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sábado, 30 de julio de 2011


Los buenos amigos son aquellos que se preocupan por ti y no te dejan hacer memeces ;) Aunque claro, siempre es más fácil reirle la gracia a un desconocido.
Aunque el que quiera seguir así, es libre de hacerlo y disfrutarlo oye! ¿por qué no?... hay mucho masoca suelto.

Los refranes están para algo y a mi hay uno que me encanta es ese que dice..."Quien bien te quiere, te hará llorar". Las personas que te quieren, suelen ser aquellas que te reprochan las cosas, que son francas contigo y que les da igual como te vayas a tomar lo que te dicen, que no, no van a quedarse callados porque saben que a la larga los consejos que te dan, aunque te fastidien o no quieras escucharlos, son los que más van a beneficiarte. Nuestros padres nos hacen llorar, nos enfadamos con ellos, dejamos de hablarles (pensando que así los estamos castigando), pero ellos siempre estarán ahí. ¿Cuantas veces se equivoca una madre o un padre cuando nos dan consejos?. Pocas veces, ¿Verdad?. Los buenos amigos son como parte de la familia y si eres sabio sabrás lo que más te conviene.

Una vida que está basada en darle la espalda a los amigos, decir mentiras, andar con falsedades, y verdades una vida pobre y vacía.
La verdad es que me compadezco de aquellos que todavía no se hayan dado cuenta de quienes son sus verdaderos amigos y sobre todo de los que se han enterado cuando ya era demasiado tarde.

Yo, la verdad es que me siento afortunada :)
Os quiero, sobre todo a dos de mis mejores amigos, mis padres.

Paz ☮ y amor ♥
y das amor, lo recibirás. Sino, te van a dar más que por culo en esta vida. Con el Karma no se juega :)

domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011


キタワァ*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・゜(n‘∀‘)η゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* !!!!!
Finally...after 22 weeks of intensive Japanese Studies at SOAS and Management Studies at Birkbeck...We are done with exams and suffering, for a while LOL
My first year of uni has not been as fun or enjoyable as I expected. However, I have had the chance meet wonderful people and we did have a good time together in the JCR or Dinwiddy (Those wild nights in Halls... ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )I will never forget). The teaching team at SOAS and Birkbeck was excellent.
Studying a language at SOAS has been a great experience but also has taught me how important it is to study every day...something that Spanish students are not very used to back home I must admit.
We do study a lot, but we do it at our your own pace.

Never, in my school or college years have studied this way. I remember having whole days off, going out with friends knowing that if I'd leave the homework for the night before the deadline I would still have enough time to complete my tasks. It always worked for me until I came to The UK. Here, I learned how easy was to fall behind the class if missing a lesson or a day of work. It was really hard to swallow at the beginning...and I tried to fool myself by saying "C'mon...It can't be that hard, I am in my first year". Well, IT WAS HARD...

With the problems I had with the house in both Bethnal Green and Seven Sisters... I could hardly concentrate sometimes. Unfortunately for me and for Laura, we chose the wrong place to live. Well It was not the place, It was the Landlord who could not bring himself to do this right. He would prefer to poorly manage the house and making us live in hell. We found other people on the Internet who had had problems with him. And I will write his name in this post too, because I would not like anybody to go through what we have been through. Mr Omar Fadiel is his name, the person who almost ruined my first year in London. I hope Karma do the rest. I am so glad I moved out in time. Since I live in the new house I feel like I came back to life again.

Feeling comfortable where you live is SO IMPORTANT! And I will say something to those who are moving from Halls to Private accommodation. Living near University is WORTH the money. It might seem like you are paying an awful lot. It's a fact that flats in Central London are over priced. Nevertheless, I would recommend you to think twice before you move somewhere where you need to commute (taking the train, buses...) to uni. At the end of the month commuting is also expensive and most importantly It will take time away from your studying and sleeping.

Having said that, I am happy to learn that Sophie and Alessandra will live with me during the next academic year :) Giulia will also live in Caledonian Road. It is going to be greatttttt! I love you girls!!! I still do not know where other people will be living next year but I hope they don't go too far cuz otherwise...HOW ARE WE GOING TO PARTY???? :)
Still struggling to find a place? Where do you want to live next year?

Well as for my last post. My "Booty buster Challenge" has been interrupted by the Exam term. I basically had craved for comfort food. Although I have resisted many times, I also had it many times xDDDD But that is what stress makes do.
Since I started the plan I rarely eat meat and Soy is now one of my favourite dishes. I have it wither with steamed veggies or in a salad. I prefer Soy milk for breakfast and I also order my Frappuccinos with it. White or wholemeal bread is disappearing from my diet and Rye Bread is becoming a strong substitute because IS JUST DELICIOUS!
I am preparing my meals, buying a lunch bag is the best thing I've done in a long time. But sometimes I need to eat out so Humus, Organic Sandwiches from "Fresh" (sold on tesco) or hand made food from "The People's supermarket" stop me from eating food that will do me no good in the long term.
I do not drink much water...need to do something about that but I do drink teas and coffee which speeds up my metabolism. I am going to quit Frappuccinos for a while because they leave me without two pennies to rub together and also because the calorie content.

In terms of exercise, I've realised that I need to be pushed so I have joined a gym. The home exercise routine did not work because the weather has been too nice for me to stay home and exams took most of my free time...if any xD I still don't have a bike but I will buy it eventually.
Now tell me, are you following any exercise plan? diet? I would love to know :) Specially if it works LOL

Oh...still do not get how I manage to write so much every time. It must because I post once in a blue moon.
aawwwww...It is soo late, I completely forgot that the gym closes early tonight (゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚)
...not much left to say, well yeah... BOUNCE

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Booty buster Challenge

Yes, you heard... I am exercising. Hard to believe but true.
Those who know me for years would not be surprised because I have always exercised. I was in a swim team for eleven years, I went to competitions (I was not the best one, not the worst). I did enjoy it and sometimes I even miss being coached. Before I finished high school I quited the swim team. I kept exercising...but it wasn't as continuous.... I joined a Funky team XD...yeah they called it "Funky team". We were basically doing Street dance as well as some bitchy moves. We performed a couple of times and almost went to the Nationals! I quit when the crew started not taking it too seriously. After that, I joined a dance school were I did Hip-hop. We had an amazing teacher. I wonder where he is now...As far as I remember he was forming a dance group by then and they were quite good. I hope he still keeps up the good work so that I can see him on a stage and be proud of having had the chance to be his student. As well as dancing I was on my Rollerblades, rolling along some of the Málaga's beautiful boardwalks. I also enjoyed riding everywhere. My bicycle was my best friend, my vehicle, I felt so free and energised. I miss those days... I had so little to worry about.
At some point after quitting the swim team I discovered how nice junk food tasted and decided to try it all XD I can't remember when that was but It definitely did not help. However, I still was in good shape.

And then....One day I decided to learn English and that was the end of my healthy lifestyle. I went to Dublin where gyms where expensive, I lived in a small town where using a bicycle was the unthinkable!, roads where dangerous, my English school was 11km ride I decided bus was the quickest, cheapest and safest way to get there. Life was hectic, food was also expensive and fast-food cheaper than back home, my host-mother rarely cooked healthy meals so I ended eating fried stuff, prepared meals and cookies, lots of cookies. Having dinner at 6pm was one hell of a change for me so by 10pm I was craving food. I did not want my "mum" to feel bad so I always had comfort food in my room..."EMERGENCY snacks" as I liked to call them. This habit wasn't just mine, the other au-pairs I met had the same problems and the same solutions XD
So with my life completely messed can imagine what happened to me, I gained weight.

Before my Dubliner adventure came to its end I discovered Salsa. I tried it once at a fantastic venue known as "Qbar" where I met wonderful people like Ken and Laura. I started going with Lidia (One of my beloved au-pair fellows. I miss you sweetie) every week for a month. I felt so good I did not want to leave Dublin....yes, just for my love for Salsa and for the people I met those nights. It was fun!

Then, another stage of my life...Oxford. I did exercise I bit more there. I was riding quite often and going to salsa lessons 2-3 times a week (Elya, Helen, Patrick, Sonia, Lezka, David, Erika and many other people, sorry if I don't mention you all but I would need pages and pages...guys, I miss u). It was great dancing in Oxford! I did get into shape, I lost a few pounds/kg but Dublin my bottom. I still can get myself to eat neither roast beef with potatoes nor pancakes nor potato waffles. The thought of it turns my stomach...
I also went for walks with my lovely Erika and Agueda every other day. Going for walks along the canal in Summer...unforgettable.

And finally London, there we go again....Unlike Oxford, London presented to me as a hectic city. Day to day life was all about running from one place to another. Everything is separated and although public transport is great (tubes, buses...) commuting is SO time consuming that leave you time for nothing else. I realised how lucky I was when I was living in Oxford. You could walk everywhere. My college, job, shops were walking distance from where I lived. However, London was a different story. Since I got here I have lived in Bethnal Green and Seven sisters... Bit by bit I was trying to get closer to where my uni is located, Russel Square. Talking the bus or the train everyday was killing me, I was doing no exercise whatsoever. Well, Laura (my ex-flat mate) and I used to go for walks but our neighbourhood was SO unattractive that we did not really enjoyed them. Salsa wasn't in my schedule either. Now that I live in Zone 1 I can really tell the difference. I can walk to all the main places, University, Supermarkets, City CENTRE :_D I also have more time, so I can go to salsa once every two weeks or so...better than nothing. SO, after all this writing... I am proud to announce that IT IS ABOUT TIME I GO BACK TO MY HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. And those who have managed to read this far are probably wondering what changes I am willing to make in order to reach my goal. Well, I am making a list for you in case you want to follow my lead:

- Less meat and more "meat substitutes" like wheat and Soy.
I have almost forgot how meat tasted...I am becoming a big fan of Soy.
- Non-dairy milk substitutes like Soy milk and Rice milk.
- Whole grain: Rice, Pasta, Bread...
- Cereals
- Fruits
- Snacks: Whole grain bars, dried fruits and nuts, fruits, low-fat dip sauces with carrots and celery.
- Drinking a lot! Water, Red and green tea, coffee. I CAN'T say no to Starbucks...Even if their frapuccinos contain 400kcal XDD It is a lot of calories for just one drink isn't it? But it is my favourite and can't live without it.
- Greek yogurt.
- Most importantly... I am preparing my meals. I bought lunch boxes and a lunch bag (I know that these thing are for kids...but I don't care. They are damn cute. Check my cute eco-friendly luch bag out!
Snacking outside the home is the worst thing you can ever do to your body.

I am not dieting!! I am just changing my eating habits. I will allow myself to have ice-cream, biscuits, I like from time to time. Everybody knows what happens if someone deprive oneself of something, one become obsessed and yearn for it. AND that, my friend, IT IS VERY CONTRAPRODUCTIVE!!!!

- Walking to Uni and to work
- Buying a bicycle to ride long distances. I am in love with the Raligh Colette(1984)
- I also want to get a Cross Trainer for those depressing rainy days. I am not paying for a gym membership...hell no!
- Exercise routine at home. I subscribed to Toneitup. These girls really know what they are doing.

Well, folks...enough for today.
By the way. In case someone is wondering... I am just doing this for my health. I am not obsessed about my body or anything like that. But since I live abroad I get tired easily, I can't rest properly when I am sleeping etc. Do any of you has decided to change their life-style recently? If so, I would love to know about it :)

Happy Easter!!

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Louis Vuitton y Moët Hennessy despiden a John Galliano

Pues ya es oficial, Louis Vuitton y Moët Hennessy, su propia firma han echado a Galliano. Todo esto me toca MUCHO la moral. Y solo porque las niñas it dominan el mundo ahora. Vamos, que me digan que Natalie Portman, entre otras, se negasen a llevar sus diseños solo por lo que dijo en el video.... Sera que ellas nunca se han emborrachado y dicho estupideces. Por muy racistas que fueran los comentarios de Galliano, lo veo INNECESARIO. Y si, el que lo despidan no es por los comentarios, es simplemente por que las it-girls tienen poder suficiente para hacer mella en la carrera de las personas . Parece ser que sin ellas, que como son las que llevan sus diseños y aparecen en los medios de comunicacion, las firmas no son nada si de repente las niñitas deciden cambiar de marca.

Y lo que yo me pregunto es...¿cual es el futuro que le espera a una firma como Dior cuando echa a uno de los grandes?. Es cierto que nadie es imprescindible pero cuando hablamos de arte, nadie puede meterse en la cabeza de un diseñador...¿Que va a ocurrir ahora? ¿la firma dará un giro inesperado perdiendo así toda su esencia? ¿y que va a pasar con John Galliano? Con el dinero que este hombre debe tener tras haber estado trabajando con grandes firmas como Dior y Louis Vuitton tantisimos años, seguro que puede permitirse el no trabajar. Pero siendo la moda su gran pasión, ¿renunciará a su carrera como diseñador?. Me surgen miles de preguntas, y es que todavia no lo entiendo... Ni que fuese Galliano el encargado de sembrar la paz en el mundo.. John Galliano es un diseñador, que cuenta con armas que no son para matar o disgustar al personal, son maravillar al mundo, deslumbrar las pasarelas y vestir nuestros cuerpos con gracia y estilo.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

He vuelto a dibujar…

Pues hacia mucho tiempo que no me ponía a dibujar en serio…en estos casi dos años que he estado viviendo fuera de casita he abandonado muchos de mis hobbies. Dibujar era uno de ellos y ahora que lo he retomado me siento un poquito mas yo.Digamos que en dos años, Habré hecho dos dibujos de los que me curro (y con currármelos, no me refiero a que estén bien hechos a ojos ajenos…sino que me tiro las horas que hagan falta hasta que el resultado se asemeje lo mas posible a lo que tenia en mente), no meros bocetos hechos en mi intento de ser diseñadora como tocada por la gracia del espíritu santo.Bueno pues espero que sea de vuestro agrado. Al ponerlo en FB recibí unas cuantas criticas bastante constructivas que tendré en cuenta para el próximo. Gracias.Un saludo y gracias por leer..

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

"Sometimes, you meet a wonderful person...

...but it is only for a brief instant. Maybe on holidays, or on a train or maybe even a bus queue. And they touch your life for a moment, but in a special way. And instead of mourning because they cannot be with you for longer, or because you do not get the chance to know them better, isn´t it better to be glad that you meet them at all?"Watermelon, Marian Keyes.

Oxford was AWESOME! but just because I met you all. Althought I did not get to know many of you, I am happy.

miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

Mucha verdad hay en estos signos del zodiaco...

Cómo enamorar a una Mujer de Leo:
La mujer de Leo es orgullosa y tiene mucho ego. Para seducirla debes mostrarle que ella es el centro de atención. Los halagos nunca serán suficientes. Es importantísimo que la escuches siempre y nunca le hieras su vanidad.Es una mujer juguetona, no se toma la vida en serio. La risa es algo que la conquista.La leonina es independiente y necesita una pareja que no coarte esa libertad.Ella suele buscar el amor perfecto y auténtico, a veces incluso llega a idealizar a su pareja. La leonina también ama el romanticismo.Finalmente, a la mujer de Leo le gusta lo nuevo, lo diferente y exótico, así que tendrás que ser muy original al querer conquistarla.